Pentagon 1024SL 2.2 Neuauflage?

  • X-gepostet aus dem worldofspectrum Forum:
    Details zum Rechner hier -
    Hey there,

    I'm currently getting my Pentagon 1024SL 2.2 back to work and while
    looking for spare ICs I found a really cheap source for CPLDs and TTLs
    which means I could supply whole sets at a decent price.

    Sadly or maybe luckily the PCBs have been long out of print, which means
    I'd have to get new ones made - therefore I'd have to get at least
    further 9 orders to get a decent price (that would be 20€ per board).

    Overall a whole kit would be in the price region of 60-70€ or of course
    you could just get a blank board and organize the components (partially)

    Price for a kit roughly gets put together like this:

    20€ per board (cheaper if we get more orders)

    15€ for TTLs (would be mostly russian KR1533 ones, which are analog to 74ALS chips)

    ~10€ for capacitors, resistors, russian transistors (different pinout)

    ~10€ for slots, plugs, sockets and cables

    6€ for pre-programmed CPLDs (EPM7128 & EPM3032)

    3€ Z80-8MHz

    3€ VG93

    2€ ROM (blank or 7€ programmed since I sadly don't have access to an
    EPROM burner and would have to have them programmed at a shop for 5€ per

    3€ SIMM-30 Sockets + 1MB sticks

    5€ per YM2149F

    6-20€ for shipping (12€ for most of europe)

    4€ Floppy drive

    So what do you say?
